It is January 2019! Another year in the books with a new year on the horizon.
We all like to start of the new year on a positive note and say all the things we are going to do differently than last year. We like to think about all the things we want to accomplish. We hope to set attainable goals, spend more time with family, take more trips and simply just live in the moment.
Sadly most New Year’s resolutions don't go past the first phase which is saying them out loud. Often times life gets in the way or you just simply get lazy and continue on the same path as last year.
One New Year’s resolution to make and follow through with would be preparing your estate planning documents. This will not only benefit you and bring you peace of mind, but will also benefit your loved ones.
“Just keep in mind, it is less expensive to die with an estate plan then to die without one.”
Everyone has an 'estate' regardless of its value. An estate consists of all your assets--home, investment property, business, bank accounts, investments, pensions, life insurance, personal possessions, household items, digital assets, etc.
If you are able to now, why not decide who will make decisions for you while you are incapacitated, who will (or will not) receive from your estate when you pass away, who will be the guardian of your minor children, who will be in charge of handling your estate, preserve the assets you have and avoid probate?
Make 2019 the year of preparing your estate planning documents. If you already have an estate plan (good job!), make sure you review your current plan. Update beneficiary designations (if needed) and possibly look into getting life insurance.
If you live in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County contact an experienced estate-planning and probate attorney at The Hershey Law Firm, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at (954) 303-9468 to discuss your estate planning needs.
Remember: You Can’t Predict The Future, But You Can Plan For It!