Some people wake up every year on July 11 and think to themselves FREE SLURPEE DAY at 7-Eleven. OK, I admit it. I am one of those people. But immediately after that thought, I begin to appreciate this day for what it really is. Four years ago today The Hershey Law Firm came to life!
The thought of leaving an established law firm to open my own practice was definitely a nail biting decision, but the BEST decision ever. The fear of the unknown should never stop anyone from pursuing their dreams.
Looking back at all the families and colleagues I have had the pleasure to work with and get to know over the years brings me so much joy.
“If you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen”
Thank you to everyone who has placed their trust in the firm to handle their estate planning needs. We would not be here without you. You are truly appreciated.
If you have not had a chance to work with the firm, what are you waiting for? Get your estate planning documents in place today and truly experience 'peace of mind' knowing your family will be taken care of when you are gone.
Four years down, many many more to go
Remember: You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it!